The Long Riders' Guild

Brigadier-General Dr. Thomas G. Murnane DVM, DACVPM, USA (Ret'd)


"A truly great epiphany in my life has been my recent association with Basha and CuChullaine O'Reilly of the Long Riders' Guild Academic Foundation.  It all began when I was identified to The Guild as a veterinarian who might assist in their research of the calamitous equine flu epizootic in the US in 1872.  The timeliness of resurrecting this information and renewing interest in equine influenza (E.I.) was fortuitous as Australia and New Zealand have recently experienced outbreaks.  I was pleased to share in the Guild's edification of the public and authorities as to the consequences of the historically important epizootic of 1872 and enhance awareness of E.I. The Long Riders Guild Academic Foundation's Equestrian Wisdom and History Series is an ever-enlarging group of republications of the world's classic horsemanship literature no longer available to the interested public.  The Series, as well as other publications of The Long Riders' Guild Press, includes well-researched exposés of equine myth and fabrications which provide valuable, often unique, information and entertaining reading to serious equestrians and historians.  I am delighted to be among the circle of friends of CuChullaine and Basha O'Reilly, the progenitors and dedicated leaders of The Long Riders' Guild."


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