Equestrian Travel Timeline
This is the world’s first attempt at documenting the history of equestrian exploration and long distance horse travel. The Equestrian Travel Timeline encompasses nearly 300 Long Riders and provides information on more than 822,000 documented miles travelled by them in the saddle.
This is not an effort to list daily journeys taken on horseback prior to the advent of motorized travel. This is instead a list of men and women who specifically set out to travel on horseback.
Most of the journeys listed covered a minimum of 1,000 miles in the saddle. The only exceptions are those equestrian trips made before the year 2000 that resulted in a book being written about that journey. These books helped keep alive the spirit of equestrian travel and are therefore considered of historical importance.
In keeping with the philosophy of The Long Riders’ Guild, The Equestrian Travel Timeline includes all known Long Riders regardless of their nationality, race, creed or gender – or breed of horse ridden.
We hope the Equestrian Travel Timeline will serve as the equivalent of discovering the Rosetta Stone of equestrian exploration? Hopefully the disclosure of this long lost information will serve as an impetus for future research into this sadly overlooked area of the equestrian experience.
The Equestrian Travel Timeline is a list of historic equestrian journeys that we know of. If you know of any others, please email us.
Click here to see the Equestrian Travel Timeline
Early | 1879-1900 | 1901-29 | 1930-49 | 1950-69 | 1970-75 | 1976-79 | 1980-85 | 1986-89 | 1990-95 | 1995-2001 |
The Long Riders' Guild - A groundbreaking source of information regarding our collective equestrian past!